A Post and Pre Eclipse Note ~ 26 Oct 2022

So we just had a solar eclipse (did you feel it!?) and in less than a fortnight we’re having a lunar eclipse. Like it is for everyone, things are resonating with more than a modicum of Scorpionic supercharge in the moment. It’s busy out there! That said, let me first note that if your world feels a sukoshi bit overwhelming and a tad topsy-turvy, this might be a great time for a consultation, or a series of consultations, or Galactic Report. Good to get this all going sooner as I’m booking now after 10 November. So if you need to get in for a session, reach out and let’s get you going.

A more brief post today... busy here, too. First, I wanted to start with something intense and awe-inspiring to match the energy out there. Years ago when the Hubble Telescope first sent back images of the “Pillars of Creation,” we were visually stunned. And now, for an evocative update, here’s a look at what the recently deployed Webb Telescope captured:


So this Scorpio supercharge thing this year is extra intense and even more so between 5 November and 11 November. Starting on 5 November Venus in Scorpio lines up with Uranus in Taurus by opposition and at the same approximate time squares Saturn in Aquarius along the axis that will be the lunar eclipse on 8 November. This starts the whole thing that poses the question: Given that you’re not going to be satisfied any more with not enough, how are you going to break old patterns that conceded to accepting less than was needed? If you’re more determined than ever to figure this out, you’re in the groove.

Over the following couple of days, the Sun moves into its eclipse pattern with the Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (in good enough measure) while squaring Saturn in Aquarius and being conjunct (within orb) of Venus and Mercury also in Scorpio for extra personal profound intensity measure. The key here is to expect and accept the unexpected - especially the unexpected that looks different from what you were perceiving as ideal. Trust that the planetary powers, as clocked by the mechanism that causes them to be where they are when they are, might have a better plan than you’ve been able to conjure while fussing with the Saturn-Uranus quadrature.

As 7 November turns to eclipse day, Mercury in Scorpio passes by the Sun and begins to close in on Venus. Ah, so when that alignment happens, all newly realized needs and desires can be articulated! Yes, but only after the influence of the Sun shedding light on such yearnings and insisting that conscious attention and realization be fully applied, especially if different or involving higher stakes than anything ever imagined before. Mercury finally reaches Venus on 22 November... and a key note here. This conjunction occurs in early Sagittarius on the day that the Sun enters Sagittarius. This is also the day of a Scorpio Moon (like today). Maybe plan to make declarations, promulgate new ideas and emphatically and clearly state what you want without editing or limitation at the time that the Moon crosses the degree of the eclipse axis. Why? Because you will be taken seriously and no argument can be offered to oppose what feeds your soul.

Get ready. It’s fixing to be intense... and that intensity inspires the acquisition of what truly fills your sails!

More soon... in fact, next week the post addresses Haumea’s initial ingress into to Scorpio... yet another layer of subtle yet powerful supercharging!